Spring 2007
Mesoscale Meteorology
METR 4433




Dr. Ming Xue (mxue@ou.edu, http://twister.ou.edu)
NWC 2502(Tel: 325 6037)
Office Hours: TR 10:00 – 11:15am


C or better in METR 4133, 4424.

Text Books




Bluestein, H.B., 1993, Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitude, Vol. II, Oxford University Press, 594pp (Required).


Doswell, III, C. Editor, 2001, Severe Convective Storms, American Meteorological Society, 561pp (optional)


Ray, P. S. (Editor), 1986: Mesoscale Meteorology and Forecasting. American Meteorological Soc., 793 pp (optional)

Other Userful

Reference Books:

Houze, R. A., Jr., 1993: Cloud Dynamics. Academic Press, San Diego, 573 pp.


Cotton, W. R., and R. A. Anthes, 1989: Storm and Cloud Dynamics. Academic Press, 883 pp.


Emanuel, K. A., 1994: Atmospheric Convection. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 580 pp.





This course is designed for the students to understand, by applying atmospheric dynamics and physical analysis techniques, mesoscale and convective-scale phenomena, including mesoscale convective systems, severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, drylines, low-level jets, mountain waves and orographic precipitation, land/sea breezes, boundary layer rolls, and hurricanes. Emphasis will be given to the physical understanding of these processes instead of forecasting.


Homework sets                                                                  15% (changed to 10%)
Two in-class hour exams                                                    30%
Term Project                                                                      25% (increased to 30%)
Comprehensive Final exam (according to university schedule)            30%

For the term project, each student will write a review paper on a selected topic of mesoscale meteorology.

Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent him or her from fully demonstrating his or her abilities should contact the instructor personally as soon as possible so that accommodations necessary can be made to ensure full participation and to facilitate your educational opportunities.